HVAC systems can use a lot of energy. This is especially true in Lakeland, Florida, homes where the summers get very hot. During these hot months, the air conditioner is the only way to keep your house comfortable. Here are some tips for how you can improve your HVAC efficiency today.

Use It Less

There are ways to keep your home comfortable in milder weather without using your HVAC system. Hot, stagnant air is uncomfortable. Using ceiling fans or a portable box fan to keep the air moving will go a long way toward making it feel cooler. If you have some rooms that get cooler than others, these fans can be used to direct the air to the warmer rooms. Open up windows if it is cooler outside than in, or keep windows and drapes closed to keep the heat out if it’s warm.

Thermostat Settings

Know your thermostat. Many newer thermostats allow users to set various different schedules. If you are someone who is going to be out of the house at the same time every day (like for a job with regular hours), set your thermostat at a more energy-efficient setting while you are away. Some smart thermostats will even be able to track your location and will automatically change settings when you leave the house and when you are coming home. It is also more efficient to keep your home a little warmer in the hotter months and cooler in the cooler months, and simply dress to accommodate your comfort.


A system that is well maintained will be more efficient. Regular maintenance will help ensure everything is working as efficiently as it can. Maintenance also includes changing air filters. Dirty air filters can cause your unit to work harder and will also negatively affect the quality of air in your home. It is also a good idea to get a pre-season checkup before it gets really hot to identify any potential problems with the unit before they become an emergency.

For seasonal maintenance, service, or equipment needs, we have you covered. Call our team at Wards Air Conditioning, Inc. at 863-225-7202.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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