Your home’s heating and cooling equipment gets a fairly consistent workout during winter and summer. So, it’s important to make sure you’re equally consistent in providing the upkeep your system needs to continue performing well when you need it most. Failing to schedule regular HVAC maintenance visits can lead to consequences you can definitely live without.

Short-Term Consequences of Skipping HVAC Maintenance

Heating and cooling equipment that isn’t receiving the attention it needs will work less efficiently, less effectively, and less dependably. When these three areas are impacted, you’ll find yourself contending with the following issues:

  • Higher utility bills: A system that doesn’t receive regular attention is much less energy efficient. Fuel consumption will be higher, leading to higher monthly utility bills.
  • Less-consistent comfort: When your heating or AC system isn’t well-maintained, performance suffers. As your system works harder to keep you comfortable, problems such as short-cycling can occur, causing your heater or AC to turn off before it can provide sufficient heating, cooling, or humidity control.
  • More-frequent breakdowns: Heating and cooling equipment that doesn’t receive regular attention will cost you in both money and inconvenience by breaking down more often. Not only will fewer problems develop with a well-maintained system, but regular maintenance visits will often catch developing problems before they can cause a breakdown.

Long-Term Consequences of Ignoring HVAC Maintenance

If neglecting HVAC maintenance becomes the rule rather than the exception for you, you can expect to spend more money over the life of your system and beyond. Not only will the system break down more frequently, but the overall wear and tear of using the system day after day without cleaning and tuning its components will eventually take its toll. In this scenario, you can expect your system’s lifespan to be significantly shorter, meaning you’ll be replacing your heating and cooling equipment more often.

Don’t let any of the above happen to you. Schedule regular HVAC maintenance visits by calling the HVAC experts at Wards Air Conditioning.

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